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Artificial Intelligence Restore – Artificial Intelligence Today, Role, Risk  Factors, And More

Artificial Intelligence Today Definition

Artificial Intelligence Restore – Artificial Intelligence is gradually invading our daily lives. However, this tool is already powerful since it can automate tasks, as a Machine Learning algorithm does in particular.. But what do we mean by AI? Today, only weak Artificial Intelligence exists, as opposed to strong AI, which is a machine with consciousness, sensitivity and spirit. Indeed, the weak AI is content to reproduce human behaviour without consciousness.

Here are some examples that illustrate current AI capabilities:

  • Recognize What Is In An Image
  • Reproduce The Style Of Any Recognized Artist
  • Understand Natural Language Queries
  • Generate Images That Look Real
  • Recognize Your Children In A Picture Better Than Yourself
  • Diagnose cancer better than a doctor, etc.

Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Jobs

Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Jobs

Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to perform tasks faster with more performance. Some jobs can thus be automated and no longer require human action. According to a recent report by the French Employment Council in France from January 2017, around 10% of jobs will disappear, and 50% will be transformed.

By exploiting Artificial Intelligence in a relevant way and anticipating the education related to this new situation, jobs should not be threatened. Take the example of the doctor. If the machine is more efficient than him in identifying a disease, the expert will always be more qualified in the relationship with the patient. If someone has cancer, the patient would rather hear about it from an empathic person than from a machine. Finally, AI would not replace our professions but would bring added value.

In addition, Artificial Intelligence creates jobs, as in the Big Data sector, and will be at the origin of new professions, such as AI lawyers to defend the rights of the machine or “diversity officer genetic”. In November 2017, the American firm Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp., relayed by the Wall Street Journal, announced that Artificial Intelligence could create 21 million jobs.

Artificial Intelligence is very present today. But, far from replacing us, it would be an asset for our current or future professions. But what will happen if we create a strong AI, as intelligent -or even more!- than a human?

Risk Factors

Quality, quantity and relevance of the data used. The results of AI systems will depend on the quality and amount of data. If the datasets used to build the algorithms contain biases. The generated algorithm will likely reflect these biases or amplify them.

Operating opacity (black box when talking about AI). Unlike older generations of AI, where systems make obvious, human-made decisions, new generations rely on complex statistical methods based on thousands of parameters. All these factors will make the final decision challenging to interpret and explain by humans.

Possible malfunctions. Algorithms lack the conceptual understanding and common-sense capacities unique to humans, which are necessary to evaluate radically new situations. In particular, there are substantial uncertainties in the event of “black swan” type events. For example, in the setting of autonomous cars, it is complex to predict the behaviour of the vehicle’s AI faced with a scenario of construction work on the road. An object falling from a truck, an unprecedented combination of weather conditions, etc.

How Will Artificial Intelligence Help Us?

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing all features of our lives and work, both in the field of technological development and in business. This significant trend will soon alter how we work and live. Data analytics allows AI to connect unrelated dots, deliver results, and optimize repetitive tasks, resulting in greater efficiency in operations and services. Head of Research about the work in artificial Intelligence, approved by the Research and Technological Innovation Department.


Companies will therefore need to find new skills to set up, test and manage new AI applications. The current scarcity of this type of skill could constitute a short-term risk. However, once the skills have been found, the establishment of appropriate governance and their interaction with traditional functions will represent significant challenges for companies. The challenge for companies will be to successfully and quickly identify these risks, manage them, control them, and even transform them into opportunities.

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